C.A.A.N. (Carson Agency Action Network)
Carson City Health & Human services has organized a networking group called Carson Agency Action Network "C.A.A.N."
The purpose of the group is to network with other case manager and service providers who offer assistance to people in need within our community. C.A.A.N. will meet on a monthly basis, to bond together, discuss each of our services and program, as well as educate each other as to what is available in our community. Though the process of referrals we can empower each other when we combine our services to ultimately change the life of an individual. Our goal is to partner with different agencies to become, one strength to benefit our community.
The group is comprised of a diverse group of people who offer services to individuals/families in Carson City. Together we can discuss interventions for the single mothers, the victims of domestic violence, treatment for the sick, and shelter for the homeless. As a group we can find alternatives to influence the lives of those who feel they haven't any hope and haven't any idea where to turn but, most importantly what we can do will help the children who are always caught in the middle.
Frances Ashley Case Manager Next meeting at:8am, Friday, May 21, 2010
Ormsby Room at the Carson City Sheriff's Office, 911 East Musser Street, Carson City, NV 89701-4795The scheduled Guest Speaker is TBA. Please call 887-2190 for more information. |