Together we CAAN make a difference! C.A.A.N. (Carson Agency Action Network)
Carson City Health & Human services has organized a networking group called Carson Agency Action Network "C.A.A.N."
All meetings are the third Friday of the month, at 8am, in the Ormsby Room, at the Carson City Sheriff's Office, 911 East Musser Street, Carson City, NV 89701-4795.
Our last meeting was Friday, April 30, 2010. Our guest speaker was John Tatro, Justice of the Peace/Municipal Court Judge with "Drug Awareness".
One Community-One Strength.
Meeting Date: April 30, 2010
Guest speaker: John Tatro, Justice of the Peace/Municipal Court Judge with "Drug Awareness".
Judge John Tatro has been Justice of the Peace/Municipal Court Judge in Carson City, Department II, since 1995. However, Judge Tatro began his judicial career as the Hearings Officer for the Nevada State Gaming Control Board serving in that capacity from 1987 – 1995.
Some of Judge Tatro’s judicial accomplishments are:
• Voted 2003 Judge of the Year by the Nevada Judges Association; • Has attended many classes at the Nevada Judicial College, and the National Center for State Courts, and has attained the level of Distinguished Jurist in Judicial Education; • 2008 President of the Nevada Judges Association of Limited Jurisdiction; • Member of the State Judicial Council; • Member of the Judicial Code Commission (Supreme Court Appointment); • Began Mental Health Court in March, 2005; • Member of the Specialty Court Funding Committee (Supreme Court Appointment); • Member of the Court Technology Committee (Supreme Court Appointment); • Worked with justice court staff to implement a more effective case management system; • Expanded the Department of Alternative Sentencing to ensure compliance with court-ordered sentences.
Judge Tatro feels that it is not only important to be active in his profession but also feels strongly that it is important to be very involved in the community. Some of his community involvement consists of:
• 2000-2001 President of the Rotary Club of Carson City, serves on the Board of Trustees of the Rotary Foundation and has since 2000, and has been a member of the Rotary Club since 1995. • 2006 President of the Board of Directors of the Boys & Girls Club of Western Nevada, and currently serves on the Board and has since 1995. • Member of the steering committee for Partnership Carson City, an anti-methamphetamine coalition, commencing in 2005. • Vice President of Circles of Support, an organization to end homelessness.
Judge Tatro has also been very active with the youth in the community, having coached basketball, baseball, soccer, and taught skiing for the Carson City Recreation Program for 10 years. He and his wife Kathy have three children, Don, Adrienne and Nick and one English Bulldog, Sherman Tank.
Meeting Date: March 19, 2010
Guest speaker: Debi Hays-Vaughn, Nevada Legal Services, Inc.
Some of the highlights from Debi's presentation include... "Do You Need Legal Help?" The mission of Nevada Legal Services is to strengthen the community by ensuring fairness and providing equal access to justice for low-income Nevadans. What services does NLS provide?
Some of the services include...
- Govenment Programs such as denials, reductions, terminations, and overpayments of benefits.
- Health Care like Medicade, Medicare and County Medical Assistance.
- Public and Subsidized Housing Matters such as Section 8 Voucher Problems (NRHA) and Project based issues.
- Mobile Home Park Tenancies
- Consumer Law
- Seniors
- Indian Law
To apply for help frome NLS, please call the office. To obtain information and various self-help forms in many areas of the law, visit the website at
Other helpful legal agencies are:
There will be two clinics in Carson City at the Ormsby Room at the Carson City Sheriff's Office, 911 East Musser St.
March 25, 2010 ~ Forms Completion Clinic - 1:00pm - 3:30pm General Instruction will be provided regarding the completion of Self Help Forms. Pre-registration requested by March 24th. A Notary Public will be available.
March 25, 2010 ~ Bankruptcy & Dept. Management Clinic - 4:00pm - 6:00pm presented by John Bartlett, Attorney at Law. Pre-registration requested by March 24, 2010 to ensure availability of materials.
For more inforamtion on any of the above programs or others, please contact Debra Hays-Vaughn at...
Debra Hays-Vaughn Office Manager
Nevada Legal Services 216 No. Pratt Ave. Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: 775-883-0404 Toll free: 800-323-8666 Fax: 775-883-7074
Providing Equal Access to Justice
In other news... Walk in Carson City Health & Human Services Public Health Clinic open on Saturdays.
From Kathy Bartosz: There will be a Community Discussion on March 29th, 2010 at the Gold Dust West. For more Info, call Partnership Carson City 775-841-4730.
C.A.A.N and CRI (Community Referral Initiative) will be merging and the meetings will be the third Thursday of the month (except April) beginning May 13th. 2010, at 8am in the Ormsby Room at the Carson City Sheriff's Office, 911 Musser St.
Meeting Date: February 19, 2010
Guest speaker: Debi Hays-Vaughn, Nevada Legal Services, Inc.
See above for meeting information.
Meeting Date: January 15, 2010
Guest Speaker: Terry Smith, Nevada Rural Housing Authority. Terry updated us on some of the many diferent programs they offer in the 15 Nevada counties they serve.
Some of the highlights from Terry's presentation include... Carson City is the largest population in Nevada that NRHA serves and there is not enough housing for the elderly residents in the city. There are 153 disabled being served currently but funding has been cut recently. 18-24 months is the current time frame on the waiting list with first come, first served. Only 30% of applicants complete applications by deadline with only 15% actually following through to receipt of benefits. Applicants may be detirred by a criminal background but it is figured on a case by case basis. Security Deposit Program is based on a 30-60% income level. Repayment is required with a payment plan. The program is partially funded by the Nevada Realtor Association. Other available programs include... "Vash" veterans program, 1st time buyers program, Section 8 home buyers program. "Home at Last" program (no waiting list for this one), Weatherisation program for seniors who own their homes, and more.
Please contact Terry at...
Terry Smith Rental Assistance Director
Nevada Rural Housing Authority 3695 Desatoya Drive Carson City, NV 89701 tel: 775-283-0171 fax: 775-887-1798 email:
Other news this meeting...
The Flu POD at the Carson Mall on January 9th, 2010 for H1N1 (free) and Seasonal Vaccines ($15.00) was very sucessful with both vaccines still readily available on a walk-in basis at the Carson City Health & Human Services Public Health Clinic every Thursday. Watch for an announcement about an upcoming Flu POD in Douglas County.
Point in Time - Counts and interviews on January 28, 2010 beginning at 5am (counts) and 11am (interviews). Volunteers are still needed for the counts (to go in pairs) and interviewers. For info, please contact Francis Ashley or 775-887-2190.
Bring your ideas and questions to our next meeting. Let's put on our thinking caps and figure out where the gaps are in the known provided services and find the bridges for those gaps.
Jeanette Famoso asks that you contact her if you locate or hear about ANY homeless children. She has many services readily available that will assist the children and their families. Jeanette contact info is or (775) 283-1526.
The Children's Cabinet is still on hold for the waiting list.
Marla Morris, Social Services Manager for the DCFS Carson office says that there are several vacancies for Social Workers. For more information, call 775-687-4943 x236 or email
One Community-One Strength.
Meeting Date: December 18, 2009 (Please note... I lost my notes so I'm doing this from memory, please be kind ~Chrissi)
Guest speaker: Jennifer Stansbury, from Interim Homestyle Services, the nation's oldest proprietary national organization providing health care personnel at all skill levels in all settings. Click here for the printable flyer.
Please contact Jennifer at...
Jennifer Stansbury Client Service Representative
Interim Homestyle Services 1950 College Parkway, Stuite 101 Carson City, NV 89706 tel: 775-883-4455 fax: 775-841-1133 email:
Other news this meeting...
The Homeless Christmas was held on December 12, 2009 at Saint Teresa of Avila Catholic Church and was a wonderful success. There were Toys for Tots... and the Wellness Coalition was in attendence. Santa and his elves were giving personalized Christmas Presents to all of the youngsters. The joy in their eyes was a pleasure to behold as Santa called out their names, one at a time. There was nourishing and tasty food, and care packs with personal care items for all of the participants as well as warm coats and blankets.
On January 9, 2010 there will be a Flu POD at the Carson Mall from 9am - 2pm. There will be free H1N1 and $15.00 seasonal vaccines.
Thee will be a 2nd Flu POD at the Carson City Senior Citizens Center on January 18, 2010 with free H1N1 and $15.00 seasonal vaccines. Medicade and Medicare are accepted. The POD is scheduled for 9am-1pm.
The Point in Time count is scheduled for January 28, 2010 beginning the count at 5am and the interviews start at 11am. Volunteers are needed for both the count and the interviews. To volunteer, contact Francis Ashley 775-887-2190 or email
The date for the January 2010 Emergency Shelf-Stable Meals distribution is Thursday, January 7th, 2010 12:30 to 3:30pm at the Carson City Senior Citizen's Center, 911 Beverly Dr. Go in the East Entrance. First come, first served.
Next Meeting date is January 15th, 2010 ~ Pinion Pine Room, CC Senior Center, 8am. Scheduled Guest speaker is Terry Smith, Nevada Rural Housing Authority
Come and bring a colleague!
One Community-One Strength.
Meeting Date: November 20th, 2009
Guest speakers: Captain Erica Helton & Social Services Director, Kaysha Knight from the Carson City Salvation Army Corps Community Center.
Captain Erica and Kaysha told us about some of the services the Local Salvation Army Church offers to the community. During this Holiday Season the SA is sponsoring Angel Trees in the JC Penny stores and online at
Some of the highlights from Captain Erica's talk are... Turkey donations are down by about 40% this year. They usually receive between 1,300-1,400 turkeys for Thanksgiving but by today have only received about 900. For disaster relief, call Captain Erica at 291-8131. This year JC Penny is joining TSA in the Kettle Program which is the TSA's major fund drive for the year. TSA sponsors a Morning Latch Key Program at Bordewich/Bray Elementary School every school day morning from 6:30 to 8:15 when the teachers arrive. There are arts, crafts and homework help. The fee is on a sliding scale and starts at $15.00 a month. TSA holds a Summer Day Camp for 8 weeks with lots of outings. Also there is an Away Camp to Grass Valley with about 40 kids attending each summer. The Adventure Corps, Sunbeams and Moonbeams are all youth groups that are open to the public and provide a hot meal and are free of charge. Also free of charge and open to the public are the TSA Music Programs. There is a Christmas Musical and the youth visit Nursing Homes in the area. This combines youth ministry and senior ministry. TSA has an Adult Rehab Facility in Reno with over 70 years experience. Other services include; Easter Food Baskets, Social Service Food Baskets, School Clothes and Backpacks, Women’s Programs, and Men’s Fellowship.
You can visit Captain Erica Helton and Kaysha Knight at:
The Carson City Salvation Army Corps Community Center 661 Colorado Street CARSON CITY, NV 89701
or call: 775-887-9120
Other news this meeting...
Emergency Shelf-Stable Meals are available from the Carson City Senior Citizen's Center, 911 Beverly Dr. (East Entrance). Next Distribution Date is Thursday December 3, 2009 from 12:30-3:30pm. To qualify you must be 60 or older OR the spouse of a person who is 60 or older. This is a one time distribution of 10 shelf-stable meals per person. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED - WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. The future dates for distribution are... Thursday, December 17th, 2009 and Thursday January 7, 2010.
The Nevada Department of Health & Human Services has new information on the H1N1 issue.
Ron Wood is also short on their Turkey Round-up for Thanksgiving and need 50-100 more to fill the need. Please bring your turkey donations to the Ron Wood Family Resource Center on Winnie Lane by Tuesday, the 24th.
The Homeless Christmas is scheduled for December 12, 2009 from 10am to 2pm at St. Tereasa of Avila Catholic Church. Contact Nancy Childress at Carson City Health & Human Services.
Advocates to End Domestic Violence have their Fill-a-Can program located at local gas stations.
Dick from JOIN says there are jobs out there. Come see him for GED and Job Prep and Computer Skills training, all at no charge.
Norma from Carson Mental Health is sad to report the Suicide Rate is the highest in the Nation.
DeeDee from Do Drop In said she desperately needs blankets for the homeless folks that visit her center. Also cash donations are way down. There are many families living in their cars and folks camping in the sagebrush.
One Community-One Strength. |